bibliography & references
- Martin Kleppman, "Please stop calling databases CP or AP". link
- Martin Kleppman, "Designing Data-Intensive Applications". link
- Coda Hale, "You can't sacrifice partition tolerance". link
- Doug Terry, "Replicated data consistency explained through baseball". link
- Henry Robinson, The Paper Trail, "The CAP FAQ". link
- Kyle Kingsbury, "Consistency Models". link
- Kyle Kingsbury, "Jepsen: Kafka". link
- Kyle Kingsbury, "The network is reliable". link
- Jeff Dean, "Designs, lessons and advice from building large distributed systems". link
- Salome Simon, "Brewer's CAP Theorem". link
- Jeff Hodges, "Notes on distributed systems for young bloods". link
- David Kravets, "It's Official: Sharks no longer a threat to subsea Internet cables". link
- Daniel Abadi, "Problems with CAP, and Yahoo's little known NoSQL system". link
- Jay Kreps, "A few notes on Kafka and Jepsen". link
- Eric Brewer, "Lessons from giant-scale services". link
- Phillipa Gill, Navendu Jain, Nachiappan Nagappan, "Understanding network failures in data centers: Measurement, analysis, and implications". link
- Paolo Viotti, Marko Vukolic, "Consistency in Non-transactional Distributed Storage Systems". link
- Stephen Asbury, "Eight fallacies of distributed computing". link
- Jacek Laskowski, "Kafka Controller Election". link
- RabbitMQ Docs. link